Benchmark Neural Predictability of G-factor

Liang Zhang


FMRI Sample Description

745 participants (Mean age = 20.9, SD = 2.2, range: [17, 29]; Sex: 63.0% females, 37.0% males, 0.0% other)

Compare CPM among different modalities


Parameters are as follows (mainly inspired by Greene et al. (2018)):

  • FMRI data pre-processing: with or without global signal regression (GSR)
  • Node parcellation: Power’s 264 nodes (Power264) or Shen’s 268 nodes (nn268)
  • Modality:
    • task: N-back task
    • rest: resting-state
    • combined: combines N-back and rest-stating by appending these two data
  • Edge selection threshold method: correlation p.value based (alpha) or network sparsity based (sparsity)

Parcel Shen268 with GSR

Figure 1: CPM prediction among different modality.

Parcel Shen268 without GSR

Figure 2: CPM prediction among different modality.

Parcel Power264 with GSR

Figure 3: CPM prediction among different modality.

Parcel Power264 without GSR

Figure 4: CPM prediction among different modality.

Compare between gender/sex

Parcel Shen268 with GSR

Figure 5: CPM prediction between different sex.

Parcel Shen268 without GSR

Figure 6: CPM prediction between different sex.

Parcel Power264 with GSR

Figure 7: CPM prediction between different sex.

Parcel Power264 without GSR

Figure 8: CPM prediction between different sex.

Model g with the Highest Loading Tasks

The following is to test whether the correlation between the estimated g-factor scores and the brain functional connectivity can be improved by eliminating certain observed variables, e.g., those with the least factor loading.

Note: all following calculations are based on Power’s 264-node parcellation and p-value based threshold method, which appears to have a better prediction accuracy.

Single Task Benchmark

Figure 10: Correlation with brain FC for single tasks. The tasks are ordered by the factor loading in one g factor model.


Greene, Abigail S., Siyuan Gao, Dustin Scheinost, and R. Todd Constable. 2018. “Task-Induced Brain State Manipulation Improves Prediction of Individual Traits.” Nature Communications 9 (1): 2807.