Fixed a regression bug introduced in 3.12.5 that users do not contain unique rows.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.12.5
Added support for fetching grade_name and class_name (both class_name_admin and class_name_teach) for users properties (#97).
Enhanced internal structure for users properties cleanup and exported clean_users_props().
tarflow.iquizoo 3.12.4
Internal upkeeps.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.12.3
Dropped support for odbc driver, and only RMariaDB driver is supported now (#93).
Removed setup_source() for there is no need for database source option setup when only RMariaDB::MariaDB() is supported.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.12.2
Added a default expiration time for disk cache in fetch_iquizoo_mem() of 7 days.
Moved data.iquizoo to Suggests. The logic behind is the same as that of preproc.iquizoo.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.12.1
Remove project_name column from users data.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.12.0
New Features
Added cache argument to tar_prep_iquizoo() to optionally specify how to cache the fetched configuration data.
Support to customize the columns to be kept in the output of users. See [get_users_props_names()] for all available columns, and customize it by setting subset_users_props argument in tar_prep_iquizoo().
Update contents sql template to support setting course name and game name (#90).
Bug Fixes
Let users update based on progress hashes. This is important when more users are added in projects.
Fixed compatibility issue with ‘data.iquizoo’ 2024.03.31-2.
Bumped minimum version of ‘data.iquizoo’ to 2024.03.31-2.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.10.1
New Features
Added "preproc" option in action_raw_data argument of tar_prep_raw().
tarflow.iquizoo 3.10.0
Breaking Changes
Now query argument of fetch_data() is optional. If not specified, the default query stored in the package will be used.
Added suffix_format argument to fetch_data() to specify the format of suffix in the query file. This is useful when you want to use a different format of suffix in the query file.
Do not add progress_hash objects when check_progress is set to FALSE in tar_prep_iquizoo().
tarflow.iquizoo 3.9.3
Breaking Changes
Make the default cache location more intuitive as ~/.cache/tarflow.iquizoo. This will unavoidably invalidate existing caches for old pipelines, but the pipeline targets will not be affected.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.9.2
Breaking Changes
Convert fetch_iquizoo_mem() as a function factory to avoid cache location error.
Ensure all internal SQL query templates end with semicolon. This will unavoidably invalidate existing targets for old pipelines.
Removed preproc_data() and wrangle_data() functions. Now all data preprocessing are done in preproc.iquizoo package.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.8.2
Added workaround using tidytable package when the type compatibility triggers an error in preproc_data().
Added a warning when no non-empty raw data found in preproc_data().
Added support for triggering a warning for wrangle_data() parsing error and preproc_data() data binding error.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.8.1
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue of fetching data when games were distributed on different projects. A regression issue introduced by 3.8.0.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.8.0
New Features
Added combine argument in tar_prep_iquizoo(). This will enable users to specify freely how to combine the data from branches. See ?tar_prep_iquizoo for details.
Let data from single games be fetched into one targets so that the total targets number could be reduced.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.7.4
Bug fixes
Fix a bug in fetch_data() because the data table name in the database is actually based on the project creation time.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.7.3
Remove "all" option from what argument. Specify multiple values if you want to fetch multiple types of data.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.7.2
Breaking Changes
Renamed use_targets_template() as use_targets_pipeline(). Although arbitary, "pipeline" is a little more accurate than "template".
Used Apache License 2.0 instead of MIT License now.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.7.1
Fix a compatibility issue with R 4.2.0 which was introduced since 3.6.0.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.7.0
Breaking Changes
Renamed use_targets() as use_targets_template() to avoid name masking with targets::use_targets().
Renamed prepare_fetch_data() as tar_prep_iquizoo() to obey the name convention of targets factory.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.6.2
Enhance the organization of pkgdown reference.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.6.1
Enhanced documentations for prepare_fetch_data().
tarflow.iquizoo 3.6.0
Breaking Changes
Let fetch_data() extract course_date automatically. In this way, the contents (regardless based on template or feeding directly) does not require the course_date column from now on.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.5.1
Use data.iquizoo::match_preproc().
Added quietly argument to setup_option_file(), so now messages are suppressed when loading package.
Added more test cases against database settings. Note test cases do not cover odbc driver for now.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.5.0
Breaking Changes
Let pipeline perform raw data parsing and indices calculation on combined raw data from single tasks (#73).
Let prepare_fetch_data() signal error when contents contains no data.
Rename the target contents as contents_origin to avoid possible name conflict with contents input argument. This is a limitation of {targets} package.
New Features
Added contents argument in prepare_fetch_data() to support pre-fetched contents as contents configuration. This is useful if you have already fetched the contents data and want to use it directly.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.4.0
New Features
Support action_raw_data argument in prepare_fetch_data() to specify the action of raw data. This is useful when you want only the parsed raw data and not the indices, e.g., action_raw_data = "parse" will not perform indices calculation.
Added raw_data_parsed targets combination and removed raw_data targets combination, which should be a potential bug for the unparsed raw_data targets combination is not really the intent.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.3.4
Fix a roundtrip issue, see this issue from {bit64} package.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.3.3
Ensure tarchetypes::tar_map() only rely on columns of project_id, game_id and course_date from template SQL output.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.3.2
New Features
Added two functions setup_option_file() and check_source() to help setup the database connection option file and check if the database is ready (#71).
To ensure option file is correctly set up, you should specify these three environment variables: MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD. See option file template for details.
Note if check_source() returns FALSE, this package will call setup_option_file() once to setup the option file in loading phase. You should check if the option file is correctly set up.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.3.1
Let users template be independent of input parameters. This means advanced users could minimally specify the contents template only.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.3.0
Breaking Changes
The RMariaDB::MariaDB() database driver is detected with higher priority, and odbc::odbc() is technically deprecated, although still supported (not sure for working) for now (#68).
Renamed fetch_parameterized() as fetch_iquizoo(). The latter is shorter and echoes with the package name.
Removed fetch_batch() as vector parameters are supported by DBI::dbGetQuery(). fetch_iquizoo() handles both vector and scalar parameters.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.2.1
Supported to remove duplicates in users. Useful when different projects from the same organization share the same users.
Enhance some internal logic.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.2.0
New Features
Added setup_source() to specify the data source. Arguments driver, dsn and groups of fetch_parameterized() now live in this function.
Let params argument of fetch_parameterized() be optional (but not after ...) when no parameters in query. Note this is not checked beforehand, so you should take care of whether there are parameters.
Supported custom SQL templates. When users want to use different parameter names other than the default one, they could support their own paired with SQL templates. See setup_templates() for details (#66).
Enhanced progress hash.
The name is changed from project_hash to progress_hash, which is more informative. So the argument always_check_hash of prepare_fetch_data() is changed to check_progress accordingly.
Now if there are multiple projects, the hash will be separated for each project.
The SQL now is independent of the user’s parameters (#67).
Fixed a bug that fetch_preset() does not pass ... to fetch_parameterized() correctly.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.1.0
Breaking Changes
Changed parameters to organization name and project name. Former course specification is removed.
New Features
Support specify dsn and groups in options by tarflow.dsn and tarflow.groups respectively. This is useful when default values are not suitable for you.
Added project users to pipeline.
Added support for auto-check whether the projects data are up-to-date. This turned on by default, and you can turn it off by setting always_check_hash to FALSE in use_targets().
Bug Fixes
Fix a bug that targets flow will fail with meaningless message when odbc does not configure correctly.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.0.3
Remove unicode characters from document.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.0.2
Fix encoding issue in Rd.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.0.1
Fix internal issues. No user-level updates.
tarflow.iquizoo 3.0.0
Breaking Changes
Supported the new database design of IQUIZOO. Now the Rmarkdown templates were removed, and users should call tarflow.iquizoo::use_targets() to generate the pipeline.
Limited the parameters settings to only course_name and course_period for now. Other parameters will be added in future.
Added game_stage and game_star to scores data (#29).
tarflow.iquizoo 2.5.5
New Features
Supported I() to input literal query in query_file argument for pickup().
Added project names and game version names into data query template.
Bug Fixes
Fix some typos in documentation.
tarflow.iquizoo 2.5.4
Enhanced templates: now content_orginal_data_detail and content_score_detail tables lived in iqizoo_content_db database.
tarflow.iquizoo 2.5.3
Added more tests. No user-level updates.
tarflow.iquizoo 2.5.2
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug in .onAttach() that will display incorrect message when loading the package.
tarflow.iquizoo 2.5.1
Bug Fixes
Fixed option "tarflow.driver" not working.
Removed ... argument from connect_to_db() for it is just an internal function.
tarflow.iquizoo 2.5.0
Breaking Changes
Now pickup() support drv argument to specify the database driver. This is useful when you want to specify which database driver to use. For example, you can use drv = RMariaDB::MariaDB().
The default is from the value of option "tarflow.driver", which will find the first available driver from odbc and RMariaDB. If neither of them is available, a message will be prompted to inform user to install one.
tarflow.iquizoo 2.4.1
Breaking Changes
Added a new argument add_keyword to compose_where() to allow adding keyword WHERE to the where clause. This is useful when you want to compose a where clause for a subquery.
tarflow.iquizoo 2.4.0
Breaking Changes
Removed search_games_mem() for it will not behave as expected. Especially, memoise::forget() will not work. A working version is added in rmarkdown template.
Enhanced code quality.
tarflow.iquizoo 2.3.2
Bug Fixes
Fixed errors caused by <integer64> class. Now data.iquizoo::game_info and data returned by pickup() stores game_id as <integer64> class from bit64 package, but tarchetypes::tar_map() does not support such class, and here we convert it to <character> class as a workaround.
tarflow.iquizoo 2.3.1
Bug fixes
Fixed recoverable error message pattern to match more cases.
tarflow.iquizoo 2.3.0
Breaking Changes
Implemented new updates of data.iquizoo package, and now input and extra should be configured in game_info data from that package.
Suggests {preproc.iquizoo} 2.4.0 or higher now, because we require the preprocessing functions support .by again.
New Features
Supported setting custom variable name for parsed raw data.
Now parsed data are nested into the data.frame() of data, which will be more efficient (#50).
Now pickup() support input literal sql query string through argument query_file. To be recognized as literal sql query, the string must contains at least one new line.
Now raw data will also fetch "game_version" column.
tarflow.iquizoo 2.0.0
Breaking Changes
Now preproc_data() returns indices after tidyr::pivot_longer(), so the column names are now "index_name" and "score", consistent among all games.
Now wrangle_data() also changes character values to lower case.
A better logic dealing with data preprocessing after preproc.iquizoo functions accept .input and .extra inputs.
tarflow.iquizoo 1.0.1
Remove old content from github README.
tarflow.iquizoo 1.0.0
Breaking Changes
init() and its related functions were totally removed, which were deprecated in "0.2.0" and later.
fetch() and fetch_single_game() were renamed as pickup() and pickup_single_game() to avoid name masking of DBI::fetch() (see #45).
Bug Fixes
Fix a bug of preproc_data() occurred when using complex dplyr verbs (see #43).
Added more tests for many core functions except pickup() (see #41).
tarflow.iquizoo 0.2.1
Breaking Changes
Adapt to new preproc.iquizoo and data.iquizoo packages.
Bug Fixes
Fix a target name problem.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.2.0
Breaking Changes
Now init() is deprecated, and rmarkdown template is recommended instead.
New Features
Support setting up pipeline in rmarkdown using template (#35).
tarflow.iquizoo 0.1.10
Bug Fixes
Unified user identifier to 'OrganizationUserId'.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.1.9
Bug Fixes
Fixed an exception when fetching users from new version of database. Now base_grade_class was obsolete and removed from query.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.1.8
Bug Fixes
Fix exception of encoding issue of SQL query by removing the recoding of user sex.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.1.7
Bug Fixes
Fix an exception caused by new database design of IQUIZOO.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.1.6
New Features
Set known_only to FALSE when downloading pre-calculated scores (#32).
Bug Fixes
Fix an exception when using key as one target (#33).
Fix an issue of TarScript() when there are only one codes (thus unique() is not necessary to be called) to update.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.1.5
New Features
Add known_only argument (default to TRUE) to search_games(), which uses the games in dataproc.iquizoo::game_info only. You cannot set it as FALSE when fetching original data.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.1.4
New Features
Add encoding argument (default to "UTF-8") to fetch(), which is used to set the encoding of SQL query files. This will also fix some encoding issues on Windows OS.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.1.3
Bug Fixes
Correct logic of step_query(). The query named games are not to be included in targets. And queries named users and abilities should be always fetched. Other queries depend on whether it is separated or not.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.1.2
New Features
Supported games abilities.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.1.1
Adapt to new database design in IQUIZOO.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.1.0
Breaking changes
Moved wrangle_data() (#24) to dataproc.iquizoo package now. That is, the data preprocessing parts are all moved to dataproc.iquizoo package now. This better fits our mental models about these packages.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.0.7
Breaking changes
Removed calc_indices (#24) and added wrangle_data() to fit the jobs for this package. This new function will parse input json string and stack them into long format, but keep other meta info in the attribute "info" of output. With all these, the output added a subclass "tbl_meta" and a print() method.
Added fetch_single_game() to treat special case of fetching dataset from a single game. This is used especially when using branches.
Unexported compose_where() and insert_where(), because they are just for usage in current package.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.0.6
Bug Fixes
Use stringr::str_detect() to remove empty json string. Now "[]" and "{}" are both removed.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.0.5
Bug Fixes
Fix issue of empty json string by removing empty (i.e., "[]") json string data in validation step of calc_indices().
tarflow.iquizoo 0.0.4
Bug Fixes
Fix issue of invalid json string by introducing a data validation step in calc_indices().
tarflow.iquizoo 0.0.3
Bug Fixes
Fix an issue of data name case, and now all the names are translated to lower-case ones before preprocessing.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.0.2
New Features
New feature is introduced with a huge change that use_targets() has been removed. And init() is used to replace it. With this function, we can define many other schemas. Maybe in future, the logic should be modified to better handle schemas.
tarflow.iquizoo 0.0.1
Fix the encoding issue on Windows system.
Add new schema “original” to download original data only.
Use a new yaml configurations api.
Support more types of config_where in fetch_from_v3(). Besides the list type, now you can specify a data.frame type and even a character type of config_where. This is most helpful when config_where is generated not by yaml config, but by R code directly.
Rename fetch_from_v3() as fetch(), and the API is now fetch(query_file, config_where, dsn). That is to say, you can now pass the data source name of your database to it.
Export S3 method compose_where(), which originally was named as compose_where_clause().
Support new argument separate in use_targets() to optionally separate fetching into branches by games.
Support new argument ignore_tar in use_targets() to optionally ignore internal data from targets package in version control system (i.e., “.gitignore”).
Now use_targets() will skip “config.yml” file silently if there already exists one.
Moved internal data named game_info to “dataproc.iquizoo (>= 0.2.6)” package.
Added a file to track changes to the package.